Football Focus
Kick Off works with sports entities providing advisory services to ease market confusion and provide operational assistance to integrate, deploy and utilise best available technologies to improve on field performance and create new commercial opportunities in an ever evolving landscape.
Our Services include:
- Assessing the needs of sports organisations
- Evaluating the market and identifying best in class technologies that best suits your orgnisations’ needs
- Creating a long term strategy to work with sports entities to ensure long terms success and best use of the technology
- Installing, implementing and integrating innovative technologies into the organisation workflow
- Continuous re-assessment of the constantly changing technology landscape to ensure ongoing fit and success
- Local team services to manage and support your organisation
- Working directly with all stakeholders to maximise adoption and optimise output and use of technologies.
At Kick Off, we view the running of a football business split between two distinct, yet interrelated pillars:
In order to run a football organisation effectively, we must promote the success of both of these key pillars, and understand that they go hand in hand. The more we improve the standard of football on the pitch, the more engagement we will see off the pitch. The greater that engagement and the more eyeballs we attract to the sport, greater are the revenues that can be yielded from the growing audience and following. The more revenues that we generate, enable us to invest more into infrastructure and technology to drive performance higher. And so on… When done effectively, we will experience a continued upward cycle in our results both on and off the pitch as one drives the other.

At Kick Off, we believe that it isn’t just the choice of individual technologies, tools and services you make. The correct combination of those technologies between themselves is no less important when looking to maximise this cycle.